Wednesday 22 December 2010

3 Way Lighting Test Shots

Angled Backlight-this creates shadows on the subject`s face.

Key light+Back light
This outlines the subject from the backlight,and the key light shows the subjects expression.

Key light- this draws attention to facial features but does not give definition to the character.

Back Light-this clearly outlines the subjects shape and shadows the objects front, unnatural effect.


Back light and Key light- The backlight again out lines the subject shape and the key light brings emphasis to the subject's face.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Film Presentation Feedback

For part of our media project we had to pitch our film ideas to the rest of our class. We received positive and negative feedback from our pitch.
these are some of the feed back we got given.
- strong pitch
- very interesting
- creative ideas
- creative suspension
- intreguing
- jumpy and effective

Some of the negative feed back were :
- more supernatural aspects could have been used
- location may be a problem
- why blood ?
- why use a voice over  news reader isnt relavent
- needs to be clearer

After taking time listening to this feed back we have taken some of the critism on board and made the following changes. Instead of a newsreader we have decided to use voices in the head. we have also decided to leave the blood out as when we thought about it we realised it wasnt really relavent to the narrative. We also decided to re think out "whiteroom" location to somewhere with easier accsess.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Shamaan's Textual Analysis Grid for the film 'The Ring'

Billy Edwards' Textual Analysis Grid for the film 'Mirrors'

Narrative Textual Analysis of Openings

A horror author investigating a new motel,he seems to not want to talk about his past.
In the next scene we think he would find a real ghost.
set in rural area, no real threat established. Lighting was dark to start but seemed well lit for most.

Rosemary's Baby
Linear. Restricted,did not make us want to watch further.
made sense but seem a take long time to get into it.
bought a old dead woman's apartment,
bad continuity editing,didn't keep to 180 degree rule,all filmed at eye level,not enough variety of shot types,seemed very predictable

Silent Hill
it was linear restricted film. lighting was significant to what was happening at the time. dark=danger light = happiness which shows the two different sides of the little girl. this effected the audience as it made us aware of the different personalities and this made us want to see more.  we dont know what will happen and it adds to the suspense of the film. its set outside mainly and the threat is at silent hill, although the little girl is a threat too.

The omen 
It was a linear film, it was restricted and old fashioned. It does not really make the audience want to watch on, it is set in a city in Rome, the threat is the child and the knowledge of the mum finding out but the audience does not know who the victim is.  Poor variety of camera shots and the usage of lighting was dark and shadowy, it was unpredictable.  

Friday 5 November 2010

Homework Exercise - Marking Previous Work

Our mark: 18/60
We gave this video 18 marks because they did not achieve many of the bullet points in the level 1 mark scheme. They didn't hold a lot of there shots steady and only used a limited variety of shots.

our mark: 23/60
We gave this video 23 marks because they have covered all the level one aspects but lacked a variety of shot types. We felt the lighting was used effectively.

Our Mark:27/60
We have given this video 27 marks because most of the shots were held steady and used a wide range of shot types,for example canted angles and close ups. The titles used were appropriate to the genre because the font was gothic which suggests mystery.

Our Mark: 35/60
We gave this film a high level 2 because they have covered most of the elements needed to get level 2  but the lighting was appalling,this dropped them from a low level 3 to a high level 2. We particulaly liked the effects used on the titles and also think the make-up was used effectively.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Our First blog

Hi, in our group we have Milla, Billy, Sham and Nas and we will be working on our own psychological film together.