Wednesday 24 November 2010

Film Presentation Feedback

For part of our media project we had to pitch our film ideas to the rest of our class. We received positive and negative feedback from our pitch.
these are some of the feed back we got given.
- strong pitch
- very interesting
- creative ideas
- creative suspension
- intreguing
- jumpy and effective

Some of the negative feed back were :
- more supernatural aspects could have been used
- location may be a problem
- why blood ?
- why use a voice over  news reader isnt relavent
- needs to be clearer

After taking time listening to this feed back we have taken some of the critism on board and made the following changes. Instead of a newsreader we have decided to use voices in the head. we have also decided to leave the blood out as when we thought about it we realised it wasnt really relavent to the narrative. We also decided to re think out "whiteroom" location to somewhere with easier accsess.

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