Wednesday 16 February 2011

first shoot rushes

We think so far that this section is good. This is our main section and the continuity, frames and mise-en-scene is effective. We have used a range of shots but all of our group have agreed that we need to include more close ups in the rest of our scenes.  This scene is very clear, focused and has good composition and we will try our hardest to continue this throughout.
Although we had to wake up really early to shoot this section of our film, everybody made the effort to come on time and due to this, this scene managed to be successful. We all worked together to get the special effects to make it scary:
we had the book pushed out but made sure that the audience couldn't see figure in the shot. this added effect because it makes the audience curious and grips the audience as they want to discover more. when the book gets pulled away we also use a shot from the supernatural perspective which adds effect and plays on the audiences minds.
Even though we didn't use all our shots in the end and from the story board, we made sure we experimented on different angles so we could choose from a variety.

we are currently working on the indigetic sound so that it build on tension and so far this is also going well.

Hope you enjoy :)
(Sham Billy Nas & Milla)  x


  1. This is not the full 2 minutes.
    it does look scary as it's an alone girl in a library making her vulnerable. it definitely fits in the horror genre.
    the location is realistic and effective.
    the shots seem very same, a lot of mid shots, and i only remember seeing one close up.
    the focus was good and it was clear.
    there is no sound right now, but this could become good when you add it :) <3

  2. Among the group we think that your scene is good. We all like the fact that the girl is along in a remote setting. Unfortunately we have all picked up on and think that you should put more shot types in for example ECU and CU.

  3. The clip contained no continuity errors and flowed well.
