7. ( Billy Edwards)What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
- Throughout the production of our film we used a variety of technologies such as Blogger,Garage Band,IMovie and resouces on the internet to achieve our resulting movie. At first when we imported the movie into garage band in order to match our audio to the onscreen visuals, the crop tool in made it possible for us to cut out the unwanted sounds the camera had picked up when filming. The image above shows how we only had the audio we wanted playing was achieved.
We also recorded sounds into GarageBand using the microphones built into the iMacs which was then compressed and uploaded the file into IMovie, the compatability of this software allowed us to divide our labour so that we could be editing the film on one pc suite and mastering sound simultaneously on another.
Blogger enabled us to record and track our progress throughout each editing seesion,giving us a clear indication of what we needed to do the following lesson.IMovie had many useful features which enabled us to add subtitles and slide transitions. When composing our shots which we found the programme very useful although frustrating at times when the software crashed and we lost unsaved work.
When initially planning our film we used story boards to set out our ideas. After filming we found that our plans were followed vaugely but not exactly. Using the editing tools available to us in IMovie we were able to piece together our shots to create smooth film with continual continuity editing.
When choosing our instruments we decided to use something that sounded spooky and out of the ordinary in order to create fear and unease in the audience.
The technologies directly enabled me to exhibit my film to its full potential with the use easy to use editing tools and friendly userface. Garage Band's multi-layered track feature allowed us to improve the structure of our sounds with some overlapping. The way IMovie allowes the user to quickly change the positioin of the clips meant that we could try many different variations of shot orders which meant we could structure it the way we preferred and if we later decided to go back and change something it was very simple to do so.
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