Thursday 7 April 2011

6. (Camilla Smith) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

   Here are a few examples of the British Horror Film production companies which have similar qualities to our film, for instance Film 4 Productions, Tigon British film Productions, Tyburn Film Productions and Benmar Productions. These companies have all created a horror and thriller film which links to our horror film as they haave used simliar techniques. Film 4 Productions produced the film 'Hush' and below is a picture that shows how our film has similar ideas:
Here the victim is a blonde female making her a stereotypical character as the audience believe that the female gender is weaker than the male.

Here we make the girl appear as the victim by the use of camera angles, such as in this shot we used a high angle shot to make the girl appear weak and vulnerable. This makes the audience aware that she is the victim throughout our film.

  • These production companies would help with the creation of the film which involves drawing the storyboard, researching our target group and the genre of film (psychological) and with the filming. If our group chose to work with a famous production company then it would help us advertise our product as they have already achieved a wide audience. They may want to use our ideas in order to make money from the final film.   

  •  When producing any British film they have to go through certain stages in order to create the final movie. Our group had to work through similar stages to be able to create a typical psychological horror film. For instance they would have to research their chosen genre by watching a variety of films from this category in order to discover what features creates their typical genre. We watched the films Strangers, Vacancy and Silent Hill this helped us be aware of what is required for our film, the pictures below reveal how we tried to use similar techniques:
This photo shows that the threat has supernatural qualities as it appears abnormal throughout the film by not revealing any true facial expression or identity.
Throughout our film we keep the identity of the threat hidden but we revealed that the girl is the victim by use of camera shots. In the photo above the girl is looking for a book which was grabbed quickly out of her grasp, however now the book has disappeared. This makes the audience see that the threat has supernatural qualities as it has quick disturbing movements.

We discovered from our target research that men aged 18-29 mainly enjoyed watching psychological horror films, this helped us during the creation of the film as we had to include certain features that would attract to a male around this age range.
Before the filming can begin it is important that a story board is created as it helps the director of the film picture what shots are required, this helps save time during filming which then helps save money. We have drawn a storyboard which shows our original ideas however we realised when filming that other shots would be more effective.

Here in the 8th shot we thought we would use a 360 degree track around the girl to make her appear trapped however we thought that we could still us the track but by following  her through the bookcase in order to build tension as the audience are aware she is being watched.
When companies want to distribute their they have to think of ways to how they can attract their target audience for instance the title, plot and characters of their film. We decided to call our film 'Between The Lines' as throughout the film the girl is trapped between the book and the other supernatural threat creating an air of mystery for the audience. The characters are important as the audience has to be able to connect with them in order to follow their journey which is why we chose to use a young female character as then she appears more vulnerable and naive.

When companies want to distribute their they have to think of ways to how they can attract their target audience for instance the title, plot and characters of their film. We decided to call our film 'Between The Lines' as throughout the film the girl is trapped between the book and the other supernatural threat creating an air of mystery for the audience. The characters are important as the audience has to be able to connect with them in order to follow their journey which is why we chose to use a young female character as then she appears more vulnerable and naive.

It is important that the film has been shown to the target audience in order to get general feedback. For instance 'Paranormal Activity' showed a screening of their film and recorded the audiences reaction so that they are able to see the positives and negatives about their film:
 For our film we asked men between the age range of 18-29 to fill in a questionnaire after watching the film to discover the good and bad qualities of the film and what needed to be altered.

9. What was your contributionn to the process during the planning, production and post production stages?
     For the planning I created part of the storyboard and helped write the script for the library scene. Also I reseached our genre by watching psychological horror films, e.g 'Vacancy', and came up with ideas for our final film such as it should be located in a library, I was able to find and organise our filming at Arnold Library. I created the shot list and identified the changes made from the final film and I created the powerpoint which we showed for our Pitch. As well I helped with the Make Up Design Sheet and participated in the 3 way lighting test shots. For the production I helped record sounds needed for the final film and participated in some of the editing of the film, I only took a minor part in the filming however I was creative by trying to create new ideas for the shots. Also I did have a small part in the film.

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