Thursday 7 April 2011

9.(Billy Edwards) What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages?

  • During the planning stages we collectivly produced our planning folder. I was responsible for contributions to the horrorscript, producing the storyboard, titles design sheet and 20 second titles, 3 way lighting shots, textual analysis grid and also scanned a majority of this sheets into the computers and then uploaded them to the blog.

  • I played a vital role in the filming stages of the production, I was continually the one controlling the camera and setting up the framing. I enjoyed this stage of the production although it was difficult to find times where we were available to work together in the week I feel we produced good shots with effective angles and shot types. Here is an example of some of the shots I produced.


  • When editing I played a pivotal role in cutting,cropping and adding effects and subtitles to the movie. Much of the editing was done under pressure of deadlines, if i were to do this again I would definitely organize and allocate time more efficiently in order to spend longer editing.I thought IMovie provided a good platform for us to piece together our original filming shots with many different functions that allowed me to create effective visual effects.

  • After editing in IMovie I produced the soundtrack using some of the preset instruments in Garage Band and also from sounds we had recorded through a microphone. I feel this successfully creates suspense in the horror film.In order to improve this I would introduce a wider variety of sounds.


  • In our post production stage I was responsible for completing question 7. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through this coursework piece and I feel it has challenged me. If I were to make any changes to our film it would be to have a re-shoot our first library scene and reduce the amount of time the character takes to walk to her chair as i feel this becomes tedious and repetitive. Below is a link to our final production.

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