Wednesday 6 April 2011

(shamaan) No.5: How did you attract/address your target audience?

Overall I think my group targeted our audience well. We tried to find a character that was young and attractive, yet not to stereotypically vulnerable and 'bimbo" like.
In this clip from scream we can see that both females are attractive vulnerable teenagers that are stereotypically hopeless

we tried to challenge the conventions and have her as a "nerd" we did this through the use of costume; blazer, glasses, scarf and bag and also through the use of props e.g. books.
Although we tried to challenge these conventions, our character remains vulnerable and obviously female so that is isn't to far fetched and our target audience aren't out of their comfort zone. 
The use of music in our film is very conventional. Its eerie and spooky and the use of non diegtic sound makes the audience very aware that something is about to happen in the film, which builds up great suspense. 

as you can see in this clip the use of contrast between non digetic and digetic sound adds a great feeling to the film as you are aware of what is going through the characters mind (when they are screaming or when the car screeches) and the audience is also aware that something bad is going to happen with the non digetic sound building up tension.
in the first 36 seconds of our film you can hear the contrast of what is going on in the characters head and what the character cant hear. we did this to  follow the conventions. even though music in horror films are often ignored and not thought about if it wasn't there then the audience would be confused and feel like their is something missing. therefore we included this sort of music so it would appeal to our target audience. 
This was our first audience feedback form and after this me and my group made changes. 
After this first evaluation my group was happy that we had met out target audience. He said that the shots were all well framed and provided enough head room and this was something we happened to be struggling with. He also said that is conforms to the conventions of a psychological horror film as we have close ups and he thought that the props and costume was convincing and added to the effect of the genre. He also said that he enjoyed the sound and thought it collaborated well with the natural sounds in the film. Some of the critical feed back that he gave was more of a range of shots i.e long shots and high angle shots etc. In our final shooting we looked at this evaluation and included some extreme high angle shots, shot reverse shots long shots etc. So overall this feedback worked really well and helped us improve our film.
This is the final evaluation that we have. Overall my group was happy with this evaluation.

In this final evaluation we were happy as all the critical things that were said in the first piece had been improved and our in our second evaluation most of the feedback was positive. The main negative feedback that the second evaluation said was that he found the fact that the start is non linear confusing. Although my group and I took this into account, as planning we watched a number of psychological horror and most of the ones we watched were non linear.

Overall my group and I were satisfied that we had managed to reach our target audience as both evaluations said that they would watch the rest of the film as they enjoyed it. 

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