Wednesday 6 April 2011

(Nassir) Question 8: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

These links below will show you what we filmed in my preliminary task and in our final production.

Preliminary Task-

Final Production-

In the preliminary task we had to shoot a psychological scene about a girl who is possessed in a white room, our task was to produce a 40 seconds horror scene which seemed easy as we were told to recreate a film made by previous AS students. Before we started recording we had to get our story together by creating a storyboard. The storyboard helped us draw out what we should film before filming, this organized our camera movements. We learned how to use the white balance on the camera and how to edit, when we had finished our scenes were not organized so we corrected them by editing.

At the start of this production we had to establish the presentation to our psychological introduction, as a group we brainstormed what should be included in the presentation. Furthermore we were given a folder to complete and created a new blog and published everything we had achieved.
The different effects available in IMovie allowed for a great deal of experimentation when editing our film with effects such as 'Black and White' and 'Shifting Contrast'. We also changed the speed of a few clips to create the feeling of paranormalality and insight the feeling of anxiety in the viewer. 

In our preliminary task we used variety of shots to emphasis each shot. In order for us to create fear and build up tension, close ups (CU) were great at showing the characters feelings as CU invades the victims personal space.
As you can see in this image the possessed girl seems vulnerable and feared of what she or someone else is capable of. By getting a CU of her eyes makes the atmosphere tense.

This image is from the final production, again CU is used but this time there are affects added on such as black & white, costume and make up, diegetic/ non diegetic sound etc. 

The preliminary task helped me practice different camera shots/angles and it also helped me improve on how the characters should appear on the scene, the preliminary task helped me with this production as I was more aware of the rules such as the 180 degree rule. Overall the preliminary task increased my skills for media and helped me contribute my ideas to the group for this production.

This is a low angle CU of the possessed girl, low angles tents to put the audience as weak as they are persuaded to look up as the character looks down on to them making them feel small and useless.

Furthermore the preliminary task made me aware of how much head room there should be in any shot types. As this example shows there is a huge amount of head room left above the actors head.

In our final production i was aware of the gaps and tried to get the character in the 'golden mean' as this was eye catching and many films follow this rule.

In this part of the preliminary task the possessed girl sees herself dead on the floor, this is a 'flash forward' as the audience and the girl is aware of what her destiny is. However the down side to this is that sometimes it gives away the best part as the audience is not aware of her death and they see it before the film starts.

therefore in our final production we did not want to give away too much information to the audience, in this scene the possessed girl is laughing at one point then crying in the next, this confuses the audience, this way the audience is not aware of what the actual thing is capable of.

the finishing of every horror film should be shocking before it ends, in my preliminary task, the possessed girl screams as we leave her with mid shot and still a huge gap above her head.

it is more effective if there is a CU when the character screams than a mid shot, this is because you can see the fear in their eyes as with mid shot some audiences cannot see peoples face expression from fare.

  If my group were to do the production again, we would differ many things, for starters we would finish the filming as soon as possible than leaving it too late, also improve on the music at the same time so that it doesn't pile up. As a group we would definitely improve on the organization and location. However our final production is great and as a group we are happy with the progress and the outcome.

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